Darius Pinkevičius is attorney at law of the law firm LEGAL PARTNER, also the founder of the firm. He has been practicing law since 2006, and from 2012 – as attorney at law. Before becoming attorney at law Darius Pinkevicius has gained a considerable professional experience in business (directing the joint-stock company engaged in the administration and development of real estate; board member of the companies engaged in real estate and trade) which allows better understanding of the client’s needs and to provide legal services which the client actually needs and which create added value to the client.
,,We do not like the word “client” as it does not reflect our real objective. We aim to become partners with everyone who we work with and have one and the same objective – trust in each other and knowledge that all possible efforts will be given for the mutual victory“, – attorney at law Darius Pinkevičius.